Skinny Shrimp Scampi

Scampi for Bikini Season.

Guys.  I am addicted to pasta. However, I'm also trying to look hawt in a bikini.  Lucky for me, I LOVE zucchini, so I swapped the noodles for zoodles in this adaptation of my favorite pasta dish.

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Skinny Shrimp Scampi


What You Need:

1 lb Large raw shrimp*
2 Zucchini squash, noodled**
1 Tbsp Olive oil
2 Garlic cloves
1/2 Lemon, juiced
3/4 cup White wine (I like Sauvignon Blanc)
1 Tbsp Butter
Red pepper flakes
Cilantro, chopped (or parsley if you think cilantro tastes like shampoo)

What To Do With It:

Noodle your zucchini**. Heat olive oil in a sauté pan over medium low heat.  Add garlic (I use my garlic press and squeeze both cloves in at once). Stir the garlic in the hot oil and add red pepper flakes to taste.  Be sure to cook the garlic and red pepper flakes over medium LOW heat for only a minute or two - garlic burns easily and quickly.  Add your raw shrimp (I get mine at Fishery Seafood Market), salt and pepper, and turn heat up to medium.  Cook the shrimp until they turn a bright opaque pink. Transfer shrimp into a bowl using tongs. 

De-glaze the pan with white wine and scrape up any bits on the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon. Add the lemon juice, butter, and more salt and pepper. Toss in the zoodles (zucchini noodles) and cook until the zucchini is tender - about five minutes.  Add the shrimp back in and finish the scampi with a squeeze of lemon and taste for seasoning to determine if you need more salt or pepper.  I like my scampi very peppery. 

To plate: twirl the zoodles with your tongs when placing onto the middle of the plate and top with six shrimp (or more if you HANGRY). Spoon the sauce from the pan directly on top of the shrimp and zoodles. Garnish with chopped cilantro or parsley and a glass of the Squealing Pig Sauvignon Blanc (purchased at Arrowine). Dive in!!


*Hangry District Tip: Save your shrimp shells from the raw shrimp in a Ziploc freezer bag and freeze for future use in shrimp/seafood stocks!
**Hangry District Tip II: To noodle (spiralize) vegetables, I use a Vegetti. All you have to do is insert the veggie and twist!  It's the best!
