Jalapeño Meatloaf
Spice Up Your Life
Do you have this song in your head now? I do. Hi friends! The days are getting shorter and the temperature is dropping, so I've been coming up with simple week-night suppers that warm me up from the inside and allow me to enjoy the last rays of sunshine. Meatloaf has been a staple in my life since I was little. My mom made meatloaf a lot and I have taken her recipe and added my own twist and tips for you!
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Jalapeño Meatloaf
Hangry Timer: 1 1/2 hours
Is there anything more comforting than meatloaf at the beginning of Fall? Not for me - especially when I have ground beef and fresh veggies that I need to use. I really like bold spices in my food, so I decided to keep things kicked up by incorporating roasted jalapeños into my meatloaf and topping it with even more spice: "Srirachup" (ketchup and Sriracha). To stay somewhat healthy, I served my meatloaf with some steamed broccoli florets that I sautéed in butter and sprinkled with salt and pepper. But my favorite meatloaf side is mashed potatoes!
What You Need:
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
2 cups Yellow Onions, chopped (2 onions)
2 Jalapeños, seeded and diced
1 tsp. Fresh Rosemary, chopped
1 tsp. Ground Thyme
2 tsp. Kosher Salt
1 tsp. Freshly Ground Black Pepper
3 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
1/3 cup Chicken Stock or Broth
1 Tbsp. Tomato Paste
2 1/2 lbs. Ground Beef (80/20)
1/2 cup Italian Seasoning Bread Crumbs
2 Large Eggs, beaten
1 cup Parmesan Cheese
1 cup Ketchup
1/2 cup Sriracha
What To Do With It:
Preheat oven to 325º F.
Heat olive oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Add the onions, jalapeños, thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, for 8 to 10 minutes, until the onions are translucent but not brown. Remove the pan from the heat and add Worcestershire sauce, chicken stock, and tomato paste. Stir and allow to cool slightly.
In a large bowl, combine the ground beef, onion mixture, bread crumbs, Parmesan and eggs and mix lightly with a fork. Don't mash or over mix or the meatloaf will be dense. Shape the mixture into a rectangular loaf* on a sheet pan lined with foil. Season the loaf with salt and pepper. Mix the ketchup and sriracha together (Srirachup) and spoon the Srirachup evenly on top.
Bake for 1 to 1 1/4 hours, until the internal temperature is 160º F and the meat loaf is cooked through.**
Let the loaf rest for 3-5 minutes and then slice and serve hot!
*One thing to remember is that meatloaf pans should not exist. If you stuff all the meat into a loaf pan, there is no escape route for the fat! Using a loaf pan will result in a very fatty and soggy meatloaf. Be sure to free form a loaf on a sheet pan lined with foil to allow the fat to render out of the loaf and drip out to the sides of the pan.
Finn the cat makes a great sous chef during loaf formation!
Look at all that fat! Luckily it has escaped the loaf and my belly!
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Cost: $10
Feeds: 4
**Hangry District Tip: A pan of hot water in the oven under the meatloaf will keep the top from cracking, but I DGAF because I was hangry,